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2020 has been crazy, for sure - but our little town of Franklin, Kentucky has stayed strong through all of it. We want to honor our local students, families, teachers, and staff who are #FranklinSTRONG.


As you know, many students are finally about to return to classrooms in-person. We want the entire community to be able to show their support for all of our Franklin-Simpson families that have been doing whatever it takes to make this work! We're offering the #FranklinSTRONG t-shirt in hopes of bringing the entire community together on October 12th - the first day back in class - by posting their #FranklinSTRONG pictures on social media!


Students - parents - teachers - friends - supporters - let's fill up our social media pages with our #FranklinSTRONG first day of school photos!


Message us here on Facebook to place your order. We will be taking orders until October 2nd. Shirts will be distributed during fall break.


Proceeds go to support REACH projects in the community.

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